Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Playing Post Correnation

Calendar and Contacts and press selection

Shortlist books eligible for the award of 15 minutes later

Thursday, October 19, to 21h, the jury met at K1ze to establish the second list price 15 minutes later. The music was a bit strong, but each juror was able to hear his voice. It was hectic, witnesses will testify. After three hours of deliberation (we had finally brought down the music), 6 pounds - the 14 that had the first list - have everyone agree (more or less).

Chaos Family , Franz Bartelt, Gallimard Série Noire
Rhesus Helena Marienské , POL
What is lost , Vincent Delecroix , Gallimard
contour coming day, Leonora Miano, Plon
islands scattered Jean-Louis Magnan , Vertical
Ars Grammatica , David Bessis, Allia

The award will be presented Nov. 6, by Régis de Sa Moreira
In k1ze, 15 rue Gaillon 75002 Paris.


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