Message 11th St Jacques de Compostela 2010. Hello everyone, Thursday, June 24, Rest. Ha, one day of rest, Ha it'll be good for Nicole and me. Ha, that was good not to get up at 5:15, but very late, Hou, there was at least I do not know me, but at least 7:00, 7:10. Ha it was good to have breakfast at the hotel restaurant rather than on the night table when there are one or the edge of the bed. I always like my tendinitis, I have not run many miles. I went in the direction back to Puente la Reina to not make the mistake of 2008 and around in circles for 1hr in the city of Santiago, to find my way. I ran 12 km. As in 2006 and 2008, completing the trip to St Jacques, always leaves traces, traces are difficult to define but never regret. The only regret is that it's over .. Like other years, this has not happened in St. Jacques, who made me the most pleasure, no, what I enjoy most is on the road to St Jacques that I had. Saying "I went to St Jacques," everybody can say it and go, either by plane, bus or car to stop, but to say "I did" or "I do" the road to St Jacques there that the Pilgrims jacquaires who can tell. Only Jacobean Pilgrims know I'm right and I comprennent.Et this year is special, I is not the way to St Jacques for me or for one or two people, I did for thousands of others and especially for the team's donation of the City University Hospital of Charleroi, who have my admiration. And this year, the Holy Year (whenever July 25 falls on a Sunday is a Holy Year). Now I will make another pilgrimage, I will continue my mission to Rome . I'll (try) as possible, running on the road to St Jacques. Friday, June 25, back on my feet until Puente la Reina (not Logrono as expected). The way back is the same as for the round, if not, it is upside down and that vision can be more or less beautiful than to go. As in 2008, many people make me signs they saw me on the way they wish me good way to Rome and the action we have taken in favor of organ donation, those who don ' have not seen me point out that Santiago is on the other side. To silence them, I want to give them sheets or cards explaining the purpose of my trip, I also wish good luck and I realize in the way they look at me, they have mercy on me, they are even those who take me for an animal because they say "animo", "animo". I meet hundreds of people, Pilgrims, Pilgrims or a day or two tourists are few km on the road to St Jacques. These pilgrims a day have no respect, they leave behind the remains of their picnic or throw their cans or any où.J papers have always sore left foot. As in previous years and after days of rest, even when I run 10.15 or 20 miles, my feet swell, tendinitis or not. To treat me, I take drops Homeopathic cons tendonitis, my doctor prescribed me and I put a patch that replaces the ointment. The first km, okay, I did not really hurt but after 40 or 45 km it becomes unbearable, so I'm happy to reach the end of the stage.
Okay, I planned to reduce the number of miles, I'll do it tomorrow. As in 2008, the return is not easy, it lacks much guidance for pilgrims who want to make the pilgrimage as the early Pilgrims, that is to say from their homes to return home. This is not going to stop, the evidence I ran at least 4 to 5 km and more to find my way. My left foot still makes me suffer, rattle the right to have to take everything about him makes me understand and inflating after step. Nicole goes well, she talks and explains much of the purpose of our trip to people who stare at the posters and stickers term sponsors who are stuck on the car. In other years, much of Pilgrims asked me why I was the way to / from and why I did it ran off. After my explanation, they understand me but still took me nuts for a sweet, sweet crazy but brave they said. I do not take me for a brave and say I'm un doux dingue ne me dérange pas (il y a doux dedans), mais je suis avant tout un coureur à pied de grand fond et résistant. Ce que je ne comprends, c’est pourquoi les Pèlerins qui partent de chez eux comme les pèlerins d’autrefois, marchent 1000, 2000 km ou plus et retournent chez eux en car, train ou avion. Quand je leur pose la question, ils me répondent qu’ils n’ont pas le temps. Je crois, que pour faire le chemin le plus possible comme les anciens, le mieux serait qu’ils partent de St Jean Pied de Port, marchent les 800 derniers km jusque St Jacques et retour à St Jean Pied de Port, total 1600 km. Donc, je ne les comprends pas, mais je respecte leur raison et de toute façon, chacun made his way as he wants.I too write on the back but when we get back with my friend Ralphy (Walkers Marcinelle XII), I'll write a book on more than 11,000 km in 3 Pilgrimages that ran on route to St Jacques
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