Monday, March 30, 2009

How Long Have Scientists Tried To Cure Cancer

Price: Deadline April 16, 2009 Price

Geoffroy Mathieu "Plots"
Temple of taste - 09/2008

The time to participate in the Price QPN 2009 was brought to Thursday, April 16, 2009.
The winner will be presented at the next edition of the festival from September 18 to October 4, 2009.
Several candidates who questioned the request to provide a plan for a linear coupling of 20 m, here are some clarifications on this point:
The linear order is given to be a sense of space, the showroom may be different each year although in 2009 it will be again the Temple of taste.
We do not plan hanging but a final proposal showing what type of sequence, what provision, you retain your job to serve as "ideally" the winner known, then we define the plan of hooking a function of location choice.
For the three editions 1st, the winners were involved in mounting their exhibitions, this is not an obligation, and the plan proposed in the application mainly informs on how to sequence images, make them dialogue (size, distribution etc. ...).
can just as easily suggest a linear attachment (this was the case with the winning design in 2008 once there the photographer decided to hook on seeing the room).
Those who wish may join their mailing photos of previous installations (even other sets!) If they can learn about the proposed work.


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