Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Why Does Facebook Have A Problem
A strategy Stopmotion
Bravo Sylvain and his new video Stopmotion how to make a gift package ...
China Strategy
Friday, January 28, 2011
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The Chinese consumer engine of global growth?
The year 2010 marked a turning point. So far, China watered the world of its products at low prices and welcomed investment from companies around the world, fascinated by the huge market provided by the prospect of producing low cost.
But in 2009, more than half of China's exports were carried by foreign companies or joint ventures.
But this strategy, which allowed consumers Chinese and especially the government to reap huge financial and trade surpluses, is now showing its limits. "The Chinese have realized the dangers of too much dependence on foreign markets, says economist Patrick Artus, Research Director at the bank Natixis. Since 2008, they estimate that it takes longer count on Europe and the United States to pull them grow. "New fact, they no longer hide their contempt for Westerners.
NB: European officials are still surprised to hear recently, Chinese officials came to negotiate
"You Europeans think you live in a big Switzerland, but you live in a large Greek."
For China, the Chinese consumer must become the engine of the economy. The development of China will increase by the affluence and the emergence of a middle class bloated. In 2010, the Chinese minimum wage has grown by 24%. Not surprising that domestic consumption has increased by 19%!
authorities now have an obsession: to get faster pace with international standards and conduct an upmarket industrial. Their intent is to out as soon as possible to export cheaply, because they know that rising labor costs but also the yuan, which the United States argue forcefully, sooner or later will decrease their external competitiveness. Better to sell products with high added value it is better to sell cars and trains as shirts and shoes.
China Strategy
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Can You Buy Vegan Ice Cream At Publix?
Implementation in China
A strategic issue is the implementation of its business in China.
find in this article up in China, advice on its location in the middle kingdom
It has become commonplace for more and more companies from all backgrounds to come up in China. Often for reasons that seem very simple and obvious: whether for reasons of cost; opportunities for opening new markets or optimizing a value price. While this may seem simple, the path is littered with discoveries and complications diverses.Bien soon be faced with many unexpected and cultural differences that can quickly turn into real obstacle course.
Better to have clearly defined its objectives before embarking. The Chinese market is not only very large is governed by standards tax, legal, quality requirements, etc. historical past. China and the Chinese will do you no gift in your wish to establish their territory. Always keep in mind that China did not need you, you who come to seek your happiness!
foothold in China
few basic questions to ask during your period of "discovery - analysis market "before launching your projects ...
China Strategy
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Beach Volleyball Camel
THE photoengraved!
Daughter of Madame VYGHEN
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Thickness Of Laminated Drivers Licenses
Brussels - January 25, 2011
Prize Fund Carine VYGHEN Patrick Biston and the team of ICU CHU Charleroi
(excerpt from speech by Nicolas VERLAINE husband Carine Vyghen and Chairman of the Fund)
Ladies and gentlemen let me also take this opportunity to launch a plea for developing organ donation in our country. For, despite a law rather well made and relatively good position of Belgium in the European hierarchy, it is clear that the first problem of organ transplantation is the shortage of organs itself .
Thanks to advances in medicine, organ transplantation has expanded considerably during the second half of the century last. And donate an organ is the most beautiful gesture of generosity and solidarity of a human being can do for another. Organ donation is a sacrifice that is necessary to give life to a patient in danger. The ceremony today is also an opportunity to celebrate this great chain of solidarity. But it is also an opportunity to focus on the obstacles and excuses too often used to oppose. Currently, the main cause of failure is a transplant rejection or complication is the absence of graft. Just take a look at the number of patients awaiting transplant recipients: more than 1300 people sometimes wait a long time. Many of them die (example: in 2009, 18 people waiting for a heart died and a dozen people die each day in Europe).
How come that there is no longer any shortage of transplants? How to convince?
paradox or ambiguity ...
I do not think I am right in saying that almost all patients agree to be grafted or if you prefer, almost none of the cons when it comes to transplant benefit . I think I can also say that if you ask the man in the street, it's a safe bet that it will be for the transplant if necessary. So how to explain that if we're all quite favorable for transplantation, too many families are still opposed to harvest the organs of a loved one. How can this ambiguity?
Carine looked like "tapping continuously on the nail! ". Indeed, among the solutions under consideration are mostly continuous stimulation of this type of donation. This stimulation occurs through hundreds of actions every year by the associations, the various transplant services in hospitals and by public authorities.
There are of course the inevitable "World Day for Organ Donation" and "European Day of Organ Donation." But above all these events that for years now trying to capture public attention and media to proclaim loudly the urgency to make representations to the municipal authorities so that his wish be recorded in the national registry.
In our case, we bring our little stone building. Thus, among our many projects and actions, I would be remiss not to mention also the issue of a Annual Award, the organization since last year, a symposium also annual collaboration with the cities and municipalities, held within 2 years of a grand gala our sponsor comedian André Lamy and the 5 th anniversary of our association we want to bring Fund Summit ! The idea is to get several cords of graft on one of the peaks of Mont Blanc and why not the roof of Europe. This project should be done in collaboration with the Erasmus Hospital and the Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix.
I will finish as last year delivering you some figures:
112 458 people are now registered as organ donors while refusing clearly marked tendency to decline (189 155). In 2010, however, "only" 263 organ donors were registered.
In 2010, 403 kidneys, 210 livers, 43 pancreas, 68 heart and 114 lung have saved 838 lives.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your presence, your support and your attention.
Chairman of the "Fund Carine Vyghen"
Prize Fund Carine VYGHEN Patrick Biston and the team of ICU CHU Charleroi
L e 28 December 2007, died unexpectedly Carine Vyghen a ruptured brain aneurysm at age 49 years . Former student of the ULB, a journalist with the Agence Belga, deputy mayor of the City of Brussels, Brussels MP, and secular humanist believes, his name is perpetuated through the association "Carine Vyghen Fund for the donation of Bodies ". Created by her husband, daughters and relatives, it aims to foster among public awareness of organ, tissue and blood or bone marrow. His first mission is to inform. The Fund would also help the donor families. And encourage researchers and physicians in creating this award.
Patrick Biston, Anne Joosten, Michel Daune and the entire team of ICU CHU Charleroi are thus rewarded for creating and developing a structure to promote organ donation. The established structure has the distinction of addressing the issue of organ donation in a comprehensive manner, including sensitization of patients and their families but also the various medical teams involved in these activities. Since 2008, the proposed service has also established a program of sampling patients in a state of cardiac death, " donor heart not beating," designed to allow the removal of certain organs in patients with major brain damage and irreversible but not meeting the criteria established de mort cérébrale. Ceci, en étroite collaboration avec l’Hôpital Universitaire Erasme, leur Centre de Référence.
Le don d’organe au sein du service des Soins Intensifs du CHU de Charleroi
However, despite efforts in this area, offering for graft remains well below demand.
(1) The 2009 Prize was awarded to Dr. Valerio LUCIDI, Head of Clinic Assistant in the Surgical Clinic of Abdominal Transplantation, Department of Digestive Surgery Hospital Erasme (ULB), sharing responsibility for the program for liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery. Dr. Lucidi had been rewarded for his research project on structural changes in the liver parenchyma (liver tissue) involved in the early phase after transplantation using a new imaging technique of resonance scattering magnétique nucléaire.
2. Biston P. , Joosten A , Daune M , Intensive care unit, CHU Charleroi- Charleroi Belgium Non-Heart Beating Donors Program Implantation in a Non Transplant Center: A Preliminary Report. Spring Meeting Belgian Society of Intensive Care medicine Liège June 2009
Vincent.Donckier @
Critical Care
CHU Charleroi
Zoe Drion Boulevard, 1
6000 Charleroi, Belgium
T: +32 (0) 71 92.06.62 Patrick Biston and the team of ICU CHU Charleroi
Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe Campbells
Cerruti bought by a Chinese group Trinity Limited Chinese companies continue their conquest of Western brands with the acquisition of the luxury brand Cerruti by the bottom Hong Kong Investment Strategy
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How To Homemade Dog Door
Return of President Hu Jintao in China
The President Hu Jintao's U.S. visit returned to China, completing a state visit to four days United States. In it, he agreed with his counterpart Barack Obama to build a cooperative partnership between China and U.S. based on respect and mutual benefit.
The 2 presidents hold talks in the White House on matters of bilateral, regional and international role.
Following these discussions, both sides reached "an important agreement on China-US relations and on major international and regional issues of common interest," said the Chinese president at a press conference common with Mr. Obama.
"We both agreed to take forward relations positive and comprehensive cooperation between China and the United States, "Hu said, adding that the two sides had also decided to form a" cooperative partnership between China and U.S. based on respect and mutual benefit "that will benefit both countries and the rest of the world.
Chinese president added that he discussed with Mr. Obama of certain disputes in the economic and commercial , both parties had committed "to continue to resolve appropriately according to the principle of mutual respect and consultation on an equal footing. "
Mr. Hujintao a pris part à un somptueux dîner d'Etat et à une cérémonie de bienvenue organisés par M. Obama à la Maison Blanche.
Durant son séjour, M. Hu a rappelé à plusieurs reprises que l'objet de sa visite était de
"renforcer la confiance mutuelle, développer l'amitié, approfondir la coopération et promouvoir les relations de coopération positives et globales entre la Chine et les Etats-Unis pour le 21ème siècle".
Les 2pays ont ainsi profité de cette visite pour publier une "déclaration commune sino-américaine" affirmant que
"la Chine et les Etats-Unis sont engagés à travailler ensemble to build a cooperative partnership based on respect and mutual benefit to promote common interests of both countries and address the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. "
" China and the U.S. cooperate actively on a wide range of economic, social, energy, environmental or safety that require commitment and coordination on bilateral deeper, "the statement said.
China Strategy